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New York Times Review Blinded by the Light


Aug iii, 2021

A derivative and uninspired adaptation of Sarfraz Manzoor's memoir, which sands off any of the edges of the cloth in favour of mainstream accessibility. The film's disability to commit to its status as a musical is frustrating

Nov 21, 2020

What promised to be an entertainingly charming film turned out to be nothing more than a dull homage to "The Dominate."

Jul 8, 2020

An acrimony-inducing social commentary and likeable lead can't relieve the awkwardness and tedium of this little musical number.

Feb 15, 2020

About of the film'south emotional weight is undermined by cheesy sing-alongs with the lyrics visualized in such a garish way that the supposed thematic significance bashes the audience in the head.

Sep 23, 2019

Chadha misses the worrying ascension in those years of the Nazi National Front, and the musical moments frequently seem a flake pedestrian. [Full Review in Spanish]

Sep 6, 2019

Yes, information technology has a fine multi-racial bandage, but it'southward also long by at least 20 minutes, and after a while fifty-fifty The Boss'south music becomes style besides much of a good thing. Yes, it deals with racism and school bullying, just the story is predictable, the ending treacly.

Aug 29, 2019

While Blinded past the Lite did not bring me joy, at that place's a adept chance it may for others less jaded.

Aug 29, 2019

Blinded by the Light really avoids everything that is interesting most cross-ethnic popular civilisation.

Aug 28, 2019

Inspiring? Not to me. Lamentably, this bland exercise, cooked with euphoric floridness, never goes deeper than the surface.

Aug 26, 2019

Despite some undeniably moving sequences toward the end of the film, Blinded past the Light can't quite escape its suffocating sentimentality.

Aug 23, 2019

Perhaps if Yesterday had not preceded the release of Blinded by the Calorie-free, my expectations wouldn't have been so high, but this film truly disappoints.

Aug 22, 2019

This monotonous, lazy movie is a textbook example of why you can't but pump a motion picture full of beloved music and rely on feel-skilful nostalgia rather than taking the fourth dimension to craft a thoughtful screenplay to convey heartfelt emotion.

Aug xix, 2019

The opening hour'due south liberated charm is sadly abandoned in an overly serious second one-half, during which the incorporation of Springsteen songs and lyrics suddenly feels forced.

Aug 17, 2019

The tone seems muddled - the discordant flash mob routines experience like music videos, and when the letters of lyrics whirl around information technology feels like an antidepressant commercial.

Aug 17, 2019

Instead of using music to aid assimilate its potentially interesting mix of humour and contemporaneously resonant commentary, Blinded By The Light goes the more than saccharine sing-along road that feels emptier and trite.

Aug 16, 2019

To have your eye warmed as much as the moving-picture show conspicuously wants to do, best to steel yourself for its straight-ahead plot and the irony that, in a movie obsessed with music, and then many of its secondary characters are one-note.

Aug xvi, 2019

Much of the motion picture feels like it's still trying to figure itself out.

Aug 16, 2019

Information technology'south a dream of inclusion that feels narrow, a vision of liberation that feels constrained, a view of progress that feels like a lockstep into the futurity.

Aug 15, 2019

The well-meaning merely thoroughly generic Blinded by the Light tells the onetime story of a young man who feels trapped in a small-scale boondocks...

Aug xv, 2019

These songs take the power to move, inspire, make you dance. For the starting time fourth dimension in my feel of Springsteen, they fabricated me want to hide under my seat.


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