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My Little Pony Vinyl Oh Hey Dash What s Up Are You Here to Invite Me Somewhere Again No


  1. Holy crap, I was but talking well-nigh a Scratch and Octavia story. I am Skillful. Okay, at present I predict a story that ships Derpy and Gilda, and after that, news that Hasbro and Kraft are teaming up to make FiM macaroni and cheese.


  2. It was defective. There should've at to the lowest degree been a chapter two before being posted.


  3. YAY! Finally, some more Scratch! Oh, and Octavia too.

    I can't wait to read more than of this.

    Somepony actually ought to tape this.


  4. I definitely want to see more than of these come out. Hell, if we somehow actually got people to voice act to this...I would listen.


  5. it would be crawly to take this really recorded

    delight somepony record it


  6. this is crazy.
    moar plz.

    (the ending made me Dawwww)


  7. That was epic! This needs to get an bodily Radio Show!


  8. Very fun dynamic between the ii characters. Hoping for more!


  9. I just want to continue tape saying if someone did actually desire to vocalization human action this, I have no trouble with that whatever. To exist honest, I didn't really await such a high demand for that, haha.


  10. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! Lol...This isn't Fan Fiction this is FAN SERVICE xD
    Trollestia getting Trolled by Vinyl Scratch ROFLMAO xD


  11. this is really good! +one pony academy honour for you adept sir


  12. Hah...and i thought Vinyl Scratch would be pictured as a laid-back pony kinda similar SpitFire

    Btw i just clicked on Tags for Vinyl Scratch, how come in that location are but 2 Fan Fictions for DJ-P0n3?


  13. Vinyl Scratch feels like a combination of the most insane portions of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

    I approve.


  14. I Still think this should be renamed to:
    Celestia Getting Told Off

    And the description changed to:
    Trollestia is being Trolled by Vinyl. And what everyone says about Celestia existence a Troll to Luna when banishing her is right in here.


  15. I would and then pace upwards to the plate and VA for this. Possibly fifty-fifty special guest star.


  16. This was pretty awesome. Really hoping more will be written later on.


  17. Ballsy tier story, you can never have enough Octavia and Vinyl. five/5.



  18. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia piece of work together really, really well. The fashion y'all've written them is excellent, and they seem like they'd make a really practiced comedy duo. My merely complaint is that Vinyl'due south craziness seemed merely a touch over the pinnacle/unexplained, just hopefully, y'all'll flesh her out in future chapters. And in that location damn well better be future chapters!


  19. ^What he said.

    Enjoyable read, only I hardly think it counts every bit aircraft.


  20. ^This would of got more comments if it wasn't tagged as shipping

    Btw, Seth y'all should put up another tag for ''Gilded Comedy'' xD or improve...''FAN SERVICE''

    ---->I Can HARDLY find this to be a story<----
    It's similar someone but made this for the sole purpose to show more of the rumors of Tyrantlestia or Trollestia, or the plot holes in the show


  21. Holy awesome Batman. That was fantastic. Like the talk radio stations from GTA Vice City ran through a pony filter. I loved it.


  22. Holy freaking Luna, that was amazing, I need more of this story, part ii they take requests from the listeners, or have a smashing composer as a invitee.
    I lol'd, the "shipping" was funny, this needs to exist made, terminate of story.


  23. @Mr.Brony
    Because Seth didn't tag Scratch in stories earlier. And not enough Scratch stories take been written.

    @Anonymous and the others who asked virtually aircraft
    Information technology's tagged as incomplete, so the shipping will probably show upwards after. That's my guess at least.


  24. I idea this was fantastic, i would dear some other ane^^
    maybe one with spitfire...?


  25. @leaflet757

    Haha, you know, it's funny you should say that ...

    I'm working on the 2nd chapter now and the guests really are Soarin' and Spitfire.


  26. Brilliant work. I honey how Vinyl Scratch's psychosis and stupidity bounce off excellently from Octavia'southward down-to-world personality. If it weren't for Octavia'southward attempting to salvage her career, this wouldn't have been every bit funny as information technology is at present.

    Dandy piece of work with adding some slap-up, heart warming emotional value to the comedy. Celestia was a cracking example, and I love how you added all those serious problems with their relationship in so amusing a manner.

    I look forward to what Vinyl Scratch does, and more chiefly, how Octavia reacts.

    PS. Splendid work with the Radio Wave joke.


  27. Progress references... This couldn't have been better


  28. Hey, is the author by any chance SMP films on youtube? Crusade that guy's name is Corey Williams as well.


  29. It occurs to me that that motion picture of Octavia and Scratch with the quondam's bow stuck in the later'southward throat might be more plumbing fixtures.
    (I tried my hardest to make that clarification not sound muddy.)


  30. ... And so, am I the only one who badly wanted the Princess to practice something besides just sit down back and have it? Annihilation at all?

    Or is that my personal dislike of rude, obnoxious, cocky-aggrandising jerks acting up again?


  31. Wait they'd only recently developed radio technology but by Vinyl Scratch already knows it travels through space?


  32. I liked information technology. Very much. A lilliputian alien with how I view Scratch, but hands disregarded. I wouldn't listen seeing a continuation of this.


  33. this the all-time matter i've read on equestira daily i promise to god that the and well exist up soon .....and if the writer is reading this comment.....(fluttershy vocie)plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz put a second office sooooon >_<


  34. Beingness a DJ myself, I Ever dear a vinyl scratch fanfic. This one was top notch however, from the employ of arrangement font giving it that little bit of actuality to over the top eccentrism that many of us DJ's portray. Overall a real treat. (Although I'm not sure why the shipping label was applied *scratches caput* I guess we will await and meet)


  35. That was very well-written and funny. Squeamish to see someone scratching the surface of DJ-P0n3's character... if you know what I mean...

    [awkward pause]

    Anyways... yeah vinyl scratch is awesome, long live Equestria! Woo!


  36. aircraft label implies that the story is not over yet



  37. I oasis't read it yet, just I intend to as the pair [Comedy][Shipping] always gets my attention.


  38. That. Was. Amazing.

    You have to write more. You HAVE to. For the bronies. For liberty. For Stone AND ROLL!


  39. DJ-P0N3 beingness portrayed every bit an obnoxious reporter?!
    Information technology's similar...every single person on earth supporting Trollestia, Including Lauren'due south Team just spoke through Vinyl...


  40. I feel like I just read a transcript from Good Morning Vietnam if Robin Williams had an on air assistant. I'grand non sure if that was a good thing or not, fun though.


  41. Yo Dawg this ain't no story this hither is 100 per centum FAN SERVICE, saying Celestia is a Troll which already is canon, the catastrophe chip with Vinyl shouting like she was in Five for Vendetta or something was refferencing too much Tyrantlestia for my tastes, had to wash it upwards with lemonade

    Now How well-nigh you lot untag this as beingness a story?


  42. *poor british kid voice*

    Puhlease sir, could I have sum moar?

    [/emphasis] Seriously though, this is 1 of the better things ever.

    The dynamic of Scratch and Octavia is only crawly. I also wholeheartedly approve of Scratch hitting on Octavia. And then sue me.


  43. Holy Shit dude this was Awesome
    When tin we expect the side by side office?


  44. Us psychotic people e'er end upwards with the "voices of reason".
    It sucks.


  45. reading this reminds me of listening to Rover's Morning Celebrity on my manner into work every day....


  46. Meeehhh... I'm not sure...

    I mean, this was 'ok'... interesting in a style...

    I'chiliad a large fan of DJ P0N-three 'southward graphic symbol, in general. Y'all know... the cool upbeat and energetic musician-DJ of the Night.

    Merely here, DJ P0N-three 's atitude was just too trash-talk-crazy, and not plenty cool-crazy...

    Yeah, trash-talk radio-show thingy... simply it doesn't fit her personality well...


  47. I don't think I could take laughed harder if I tried. This time, Trollestia DOESN'T strike again! This story was sooooooo good! I cannot look for the next chapter, excellent work my friend.


  48. This is easily my favorite portrayal of Scratch in any fanfic to date. Besides many writers terminate up trying and then hard to make her seem 'absurd' that Scratch sounds like either a wannabe or some lame 90's television estimation of a DJ.

    I love the story 'Feedback' but even information technology is guilty of occasionally trying besides hard to make Scratch's character work as the kind of 'you will never be as cool as this' persona I'thou talking well-nigh.

    Anyway what I'm trying to say is that eccentric Scratch merely.. really works for some reason. She's still the kind of person that no one can proceed upwards with, but information technology has more than to practise with her self-aggrandizing personality and exaggerated craziness.

    As others take requested before; can someone Please tape this? I know there's quite a few phonation actors in the fandom. Perchance we should spam the people who fabricated the Friendship is Witchcraft abridged series with this crawly fanfic.


  49. This was pretty damn great read - doubly for simply beingness the starting time chapter. Practise want more.

    And yes, if some able ponies could voiceact & record this... it would be the best matter since they put the pocket in pitã.


  50. This looks promising, I'grand waiting for the new chapters!

    Too, I like the idea that Vinyl Scratch hits on everything that moves :D


  51. I enjoyed this. Scratch comes off equally ane of good kind of eccentric DJ's you get on local stations rather than Articulate Channel PC bullshit, one who tin can go away with doing difficult interviews on the air if she thinks that something the listeners want to hear volition come out of it.

    All in all, fun fic, waiting patiently for more than!


  52. Hey!

    @Corey W. Williams

    You mind if we get some phonation acting on this? I would be willing to brand the jump and try to find support/actors to go this rolling. Any one else interested?


  53. This was hilarious, I'd love to see more than. Great work, Corey!


  54. @Emerald Page

    Sure, I don't have a problem with that at all if you lot want to attempt doing that. It'southward actually encouraging that then many people really want that.


  55. @Emerald Page

    I'm interested. Also bad I'm male and a bad actor...

    I wonder who could pull off Vinyl's character in this. It'd take to exist someone who tin can act loud and shouty without becoming obnoxious. Octy and Celly are probably easier to pull off.


  56. This would make for a slap-up weekly segment on 1 of the radio stations, EPR or CR, either i. This must happen!


  57. @Emerald Folio
    I'm interested as hell. Contact me if you demand a male VA, there's got to exist a male guest or something at somepoint.


  58. Wonderful work. Enough of hilarity with a good for you dose of 'D'awww'. Looking forward to more than.


  59. Information technology's pretty rare when a fic manages to be both touching and hilarious, but you pulled it off quite nicely with chapter 2.

    Simply ane affair:

    >I'll give you iii hints: it's a dissimilar gender, it's someone you already know, and the reply is me.

    >different gender

    Spitfire and Vinyl are both mares. Right? Correct!?


  60. I like this story. I thought it was pretty well written.


  61. the different gender comment was directed at Octavia guessing a nerdy filly, then against that Vinyl is a unlike gender


  62. Genius. Pure genius.

    And also hilarious. And besides D'AWWWW.

    I hope more is written of this wonderful story. Two hooves up!


  63. In two chapters this is already six/v, please continue for the love of humanity.


  64. This is cracking, I tin't await for the next chapter.

    (also Octavia plays a contrabass, non a cello)


  65. some minor mistakes but it is now one of my favorites I'm going to exist checking on this same as progress


  66. How'southward part 2? don't take too much time to read information technology all


  67. It'due south a rare sight indeed to read both utter "D'aww" and rolling-on-the-floor-giggling-like-mad in same piece of fiction - in the same chapter, still!

    This is good, and the combination of higher up just makes me smile.

    Also, now I desire to draw Scratch and Octavia doing the evidence. Or doing something, I dunno. But I want to depict the ii :D


  68. You know, if either Scratch or Octavia aren't anywhere like this in whatever future episodes they appear in I will be disappointed. You have built, in my listen, the type of ponies they are, and yous did a terrific job. Give thanks you, and I look forward to more than.


  69. 2d chapter was hilarious. I thank you, I actually, really needed that. Seemed like pretty much every fic lately feels the demand to be depressing, even without a sorry tag. Been waiting desperately for the next Carol of Twilight Sparkle, simply this has done the job admirably besides.


  70. Heh, just finished second role. Loved it - and added some proficient emotion. Octavia ftw.


  71. For the love of all that is pony, please go on!


  72. So much trolling in ch1

    So much d'awwwwwww in ch2

    What's next?!


  73. inb4 there will exist chapter with Soaring.
    Mayhap not the next one, but I'm calling it.


  74. @Anonymous

    Yes, but this was after she said "No, Octy, information technology's not a nerdy colt." She was proverb it was a dissimilar gender than the colt.


  75. Also, Corey, didn't you say that Soarin' was gonna be in this chapter? I judge writing him out of it worked out for the better, though...


  76. Did anyone take hold of the almost Rick-roll past Spitfire?


  77. i REALLY want to write my own! im not sure if i should tho because people probs wouldn't read information technology =P


  78. awww its so sweet!!



  79. Wow this was a dandy read. The 2nd part was actually really heartwarming. Heck it would even make a great actual episode. I think that'due south some of the highest praise I can give.

    Not sure if you lot'll continue going but if you do i'll gladly read more than.


  80. Was non expecting and so much D'aaaaaaaaaawwwww.

    And yet, it worked.


  81. Oh man, if this was a real talk show I would listen to it all the time. MOAR PLZ.


  82. I want this show to happen for real. Serious.


  83. If there was a mode to take a favorites option on Equestria Daily...

    Genuine laughter and genuine daaaaaaaw. v stars


  84. Well, I must confess, 2nd affiliate made me want to dial Vinyl a little less. At to the lowest degree a fiddling.

    Now we merely need to see what the line is once it's fatigued.


  85. He is not snootier than me!



  86. I must admit, that I liked both parts very much (outset was a niggling ameliorate in my opinion, but only a little). I must say however, that if yous want to continue this story (although I remember you could end information technology right here, and information technology would exist cool), please discover other fashion for exposition than "oops, I've left mic on", because twice is good plenty, but 3rd time it would be just light-headed and lazy.


  87. @VFX Kid

    Yep, once I started writing the chapter, I realized Soarin' didn't really have much to do if he was there, so I wrote him out of it. I think it concluded upwards working amend that way.


  88. These are some of the all-time stories I accept read from the pony customs. Fantastic work and please write more!


  89. I really want this bear witness to exist. I really do.


  90. Aww, more sappy sweetness stuff.
    Wonderful story, will y'all ever practice a script of "Late nighttime with Lyra and BonBon"?


  91. @PureZOOKS

    I don't know, probably non. I don't think I'd be able to write Lyra and BonBon likewise as I write Vinyl and Octavia.

    I was thinking about maybe doing a 1-shot prequel almost Vinyl and Spitfire every bit fillies, just I haven't really fleshed it out yet. I'yard non sure if I'll actually practice it.


  92. I loved the new chapter but I've just gotta say one thing: the accordion is an AWESOME instrument.


  93. @Emerald Page
    Holy crap, that would be awesome. At that place seem to be quite a lot of people supportive of that idea, hopefully enough to get this project rolling :D


  94. Ding! Equally promised, I drew the two hosts of this particular evidence. In, shall nosotros say, less-than-favourable state of affairs. Bear witness must still go on!

    I hope information technology causes even the fraction of giggling I had while cartoon this. Which in itself was a fraction of the giggling I had while reading the two chapters, so I guess 'tis fair.


  95. This is pretty much the all-time fic I've read in my life.


  96. Waiting for Scratch to make a Jet Set Radio refrence, this is gold


  97. This fic is the funniest matter to come out of the fandom since...well, ever. I can't call back of annihilation else off the elevation of my head that makes me express mirth as much every bit this. The dynamic between Vinyl and Octavia is so natural and witty, it'due south brilliant.

    If I could give you 5 million stars, I would do it in a heartbeat, but since v is my only option, I promise you'll accept it.


  98. I really enjoyed this! I hope you lot exercise more than of these, they really brand me laugh.


  99. it was pretty funny, lacking a little, can't put my finger on it.

    and i wouldn't call this "aircraft", because any shipping in this story is p. much a gag.


  100. chapter one was good loved the chemical science at that place between Octy and Vinyle, I don't remember y'all could of picked 2 improve ponies for this..

    And damn you Octavia and Spitfire for setting up the mood for a sorry story filled with then much D'AWW, made me shed a tear or two there afterward making me express joy and then much.

    If there was to be an end to this series that terminal part sure did worked out enough for me! Even I laughed after a moment awkward silence with the fart noise.

    On that note though I Promise to see more brilliantly styled one-act like this again in a chapter iii?


  101. @Anonymous

    To the Octavia&Spitfire comment I mean I laughed BEFORE the sad part and and then was reduced to a tear and some d'awws. And not that I establish Vinyle getting hurt for trying to find a way to visit her friend was funny.


  102. That was absolutely hilarious.

    And too very saddening. :(

    I loved it. I congratulate the author on making a swell story consisting mostly of dialogue.


  103. You've got a swell balance of humor and emotion.


  104. I enjoyed information technology. It was rather hilarious and had just enough feeling. :3

    Moar please.


  105. Love this series. I played Fallout 3 earlier today and couldn't help but read Vinyl's intro in Three Domestic dog'due south vocalisation


  106. I like these, they're really fun to read. Since reading the kickoff one though I have wondered if they take once a week solo shows. Like on Friday nights possibly Vinyl does a remix rave show, sometimes alive on location. While on Saturday nights Octavia does a show where she plays some smooth jazz and reads listeners messages, and has candles lit all over the studio. I don't know why I thought of that concluding part.


  107. That was brilliant, great one-act and sadness in the same chapter, tin can't wait for the side by side one!

    also, at the "[Hits button. Volume lowers slightly. Octavia continues unaware she is still broadcasting.]" office I could imagine myself sitting in the automobile, and turning upwardly the volume with a sly grinning to hear all the juicy secrets they didn't want me to know.


  108. Bully story! Actually loved part two! More please!


  109. what an astonishing pair. Probably the best fanfiction I've read with both sense of humour and d'aww. I eagerly look more


  110. I Only came here for the fan service trolling part


  111. This is great. I didn't notice a single part (other than the couple of d'aww moments) that wasn't funny. I was but about in tears when I finished reading the 2nd chapter.


  112. Working on chapter 3.

    Chapter iv will probably exist similar the "flavour finale." It might non exist the final one e'er, but it'll be the final one for a niggling while


  113. Loving this story, its funny and live. :three

    Just got the urge to draw it up a bit and started working on a drawing. Every bit its now its just Vinyl just planing on calculation Octavia and a amend backgroun in the furure if i tin can acually pull it of.

    Work in progress images here:


  114. Why isn't this in the "Star-6" catagory notwithstanding? It clearly got enough votes and it has a freaking 4.9 rating!

    If this is all sorted manually, this should actually be all washed auto, somehow. Sounds like sorting all these fanfics would exist a lot of work, too.


  115. The showtime chapter had me laughing my flank off. This second affiliate? Had me crying at how sweet and pitiful it was. Bravo!


  116. This story was fantastic, thank you then much!


  117. Well...

    That Part2 was... better, I would say.

    Setting some background-explanation for the personality *THE Author* gave to DJ P0N-3.

    More interesting and enjoyable than the first Role, that's for certain.


  118. Function one - Great, just not phenomenal.
    Part 2 - "NO FIRE!" lol

    Yeah, Part two is even better. Lets see some more PON-3 crazy now that we know the why....Pinkie Pie. There has to be a Pinkie Pie tape in there somewhere.


  119. @Corey W. Williams

    I finished the Drawing at present, it posted at http://world wide

    And i am fairly satisfied by the cease result


  120. that made me aroused at the showtime then made me dawwwwwwwwww at the stop


  121. @Zonra

    That is awesome. I especially like Octavia's facial expression. Very skillful.


  122. @Anonymous

    Besides it ticked me off when she said "Oh my 'god' I tin't terminate laughing".

    Could've been "Celestia" or "Gosh". Just maxim.

    Just Overall Pretty crawly story!


  123. Put information technology simply, I want moar.
    Much moar.
    Don't stop what y'all're making here, considering this is gold.


  124. Al correct, THIS has to be the funniest MLP fanfic I've ever read!

    I really like how you lot make Vinyl Scratch conduct in this!

    If she makes another advent or two in the second flavor with speaking parts, she needs to audio like she did in this story! I would love her even more than I do now for that!

    Vinyl Scratch is one cool, badass pony!

    Please, continue this story! Can't wait to see who Vinyl and Octys next guest volition be!


  125. Fucking beloved this series. And so simple but so hilarious.


  126. Sweetness Celestia and Luna, I love this story so much. The banter is solid go--no, solid diamond, the voices are perfect--despite the fact that neither character has a single line in the show--and you write perhaps the smoothest transitions from LOL to D'AWWWW I accept ever read. Please, please keep this upward.


  127. you, are the third best writer ever
    (First is Kkat with Fallout Equestria. second is Squeak with his doctor whoof stories Number 12 and traveler)


  128. ...Derpy Limited. Pony Ex-...My god. You sir, are brilliant. Not that there was ever any doubt considering the previous capacity.


  129. Awesome.

    This story is well-written, funny, and has a lot of heart.

    The author tin really hit the emotional beats; I felt happy in the right spots, pitiful in the right spots, awkward in a certain spot, and inspired in every spot.


  130. They make me laugh every single fourth dimension! Well done!


  131. this needs seven stars imo
    this is rapidly becoming my fave fan fic I love every word of it, go along up the good work!


  132. Yesyesyesyesyes! Part 3! I but love this affair. I was thinking nearly recording these...


  133. That has to be the greatest angry bluster ever created by Vinyl. XD


  134. Now that just made my day. *has a twinkle in his eyes* :,D


  135. Due south-stupid Vinyl, information technology's non every bit if I similar you or anything...


  136. Merely read all 3 chapters - every catastrophe fabricated me progressively more and more sentimental and teary-eyed. Such a sweet story, wish in that location was more than!


  137. Buck blueblood. Buck him right up the flank.


  138. Yesss, this perfectly normal human brony thinks this is a very skilful fic, yesss! Very good. Needs more diamonds and Miss Rarity though.


  139. @Whiteout

    Seriously. I had to go dorsum and read that last bit of Vinyl Scratch'south rant once more.

    Need some way to vote this 7 stars!


  140. >DJ-P0n3 (aka Vinyl Scratch)

    Why do people keep calling her similar that?
    am I missing a joke here or something?
    it's Vinyl Scratch (aka DJ-P0n3)


  141. Proficient stuff. After Chapter three I finally forgave Vinyl for existence a bitch to Celestia. Also, I would totally hang out with Octavia.


  142. @Anonymous

    She'south on the air, and then her callsign gets kickoff billing equally it's her on-air persona.


  143. This is fast becoming my favorite fic on the site, after fallout equestria. Practiced piece of work :)


  144. First off, if we had Pinkie Pie vs Vinyl Scratch insanity, Octavia would be pushed out of the whole thing. In that location would be cipher for her. They should have Luna on adjacent, with some referencing to the "Luna vs" series.


  145. Keen series so far! I loved every 2d of those first 3 chapters. :D

    Chap3 is likewise a greatfollow-up to the previous ii, especially considering non but the interaction between the two is equally polished and hilarious as before, only now the 2 are actually growing closer to each other ^^

    The CMC call was sugariness and funny ^^ only the Blueblood one? Total crawly right there. Easily the part that moved me the most. Information technology'south good to see Vynil's soft core every now and and so, even if it still comes out in her style, which makes it fifty-fifty better. And so, props for that, yous did a great chore there. ^^

    So, groovy job so far, and I'd love to read more of the duo, with whatsoever excuses you notice to bring them about XD Continue up the amazing work.


  146. Great stuff.

    One thing though, isn't Vinyl like a techno DJ? How come all she e'er plays or talks virtually here is rock and roll?


  147. This story is amazing.

    (I want to see some Scratchtavia!)


  148. This is great. The characters are a perfect odd couple and the fashion they're developing over the course of the series is well done. Scratch is hilarious, and Octavia is a complete straight pony. Keep up the adept piece of work!


  149. @Stephen Cawking

    I was wondering that too, that's one of the few things that I don't hold with, but I'll just chalk information technology upwards to artistic license and ignore information technology.


  150. To be concluded? And then the next i will be the last 1? spikenoo.avi NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!


  151. I'k then in love with this. I DON'T WAN'T IT TO Terminate!


  152. This is vivid. Pure comedy and drama rolled into i tight ball of epicness. Information technology'southward difficult to descripe how astonishing this short-story is. I mean, the Blueblood rant was just... Merely... Vivid!!!!! Ahem... *cough* Alright, I can't wait for the decision, merely it would exist nice if information technology connected.


  153. "DJ-P0n3: Anyhow, listeners, let me explain the plot ...

    Octavia: In a very fast-and-loose definition of the word 'plot.'"

    DJ-P0n3 explains about the ass...


  154. I love this story. Information technology'southward bright and touching.

    Vinyl Scratch is appropriately spastic and passionate, while Octavia comes across as reserved, all the same holding back an equally enormous passion. I like how the concluding transcript reveals that they're both so very much in love with music, and that's what brings them together. A wonderful story.


  155. @Kumquat

    Well, we have only always seen her once in the show, and she was DJ'ing a way testify at the time. The techno/industrial stuff she was playing fit the venue; information technology doesn't necessarily mean it's her favorite genre. Really, unless we get more than that brief glimpse, (and given the last few lines of "Equestria Girls," I'thousand betting nosotros haven't seen the concluding of Scratch) I feel that more or less any estimation is valid.


  156. The character development is a bit dramatic in this, but I guess it has to be to make up for their bickering at the beginning of the serial. Somehow, the barrack is quite enjoyable despite how redundant it could accept been. I'd say Octavia'south reaction to the phone telephone call with Blueblood was just about correct. DJ P0N3 is crazy hither, merely she can also be sweetness.


  157. OK, I just read office 3, it was brilliant and entertaining, and now if you'll excuse me I demand to set Blueblood'southward house on burn. *walks off with oily rags, gasoline, and accelerant*


  158. "Gottagokaythanksbye" And so Applebloom started the internet for Equestria.

    Simply anyways, this just keeps getting more and more than touching. It's now becoming one of my favs and I was and then happy to see the "to be continued" at the end.


  159. Exit! THERES AN UPDATE?! Oh snap! got to say I promise it'due south as funny every bit the others cause I am in dire need of something to pick me up! *scurries off to read new chapter avoiding w/east spoilers people may have posted about it*


  160. Huzzah for modest character character development!

    Also, at that place needs to be more than Scratchtavia.


  161. Y'all demand to go on making these, it's crawly. Vinyl's now one of my favorite ponies.


  162. Wow, this fanfic does have a lot of soul, I will be waiting for the next function.


  163. "Just give us a call at, allow's see here ... 4. Okay, requite us a telephone call at iv and you'll be on the bear witness!"

    I lost it right there.


  164. I have to say that the interactions between the two in role 1 and 2 actually reminded me of Micheal and DOB in Agents of Cracked, yeah there are a lot more pairings like that only AoC was the first that popped into my mind


  165. Just read the Blueblood rant. Holy crap, man. Ballsy.


  166. I only accept one complaint.

    The to exist concluded at the end. Besides soon human, likewise soon. I wanted a lot more chapters :p


  167. @Baree

    Aye, next chapter is going to be the last ane, at to the lowest degree for a while. Non necessarily the last ane ever though. Kind of like the finish of this story arc, similar the "season finale."

    I exercise have some loose ideas for future installments (I did have a really good thought for a Christmas special, just information technology'd be kind of weird to do that in July ...) merely I wanted to wait until Season two of the show started, hopefully to give me some more fabric and glory ponies to utilise (since, to be honest, I've nigh run out), and I'd rather end the "flavour" on a high note rather than elevate it out.

    So yes, there's the rationale behind that.


  168. So absurd I gotta give it a new name. I phone call it, mafuckingdopeawesomeshit!


  169. @Corey W. Williams

    I'yard not sure if it'd be a bang-up thought to practise this but I can see trixie being on the testify.... by inviting herself on XD

    Though it'd exist difficult to write her without her stealing also much of the show away from everyone else.

    Anyhoo yes this is an amazing series. This and the Luna progress series are some of the best MLP fanfics out in that location.


  170. I admittedly honey these fics! XD

    I laughed, I d'awed, and I call up I had a tear in my centre at one signal.




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